Tuesday 18 October 2016

Living Fully and Healthfully

Like many who make a habit out of seeking out answers on the Internet for real world problems, I have often caught myself over-consuming on information to the point where the gap between what I know and what I practically apply in my day-to-day life has widened so drastically, that I am left wondering whether ease of access to information is really the boon that we say it is today. Living in a modern world is certainly hectic from all angles. We are bombarded with information daily whether we are aware of it or not. Waking with radio alarms, reading newspapers, catching up on social media, watching TV, or simply walking down the street exposes one to an immediate information overload from both the sensory and intellectual perspective.

Not only are we bombarded with advertisements that direct us to buy a certain product or gadget that may make our lives simpler and more satisfying, we are also bombarded with advertisements that urge us to consume foods, drinks or other substances which may give us a temporary feeling of fulfillment while in the long-term, leave us riddled with health ailments. We are left wondering why in the modern world, with all our advances in medicine and technology, are people still suffering from dire health issues. Not only are we still suffering, we are arguably at the worst we've ever been! Completely contrary to what we are taught, the modern life has not remedied issues of the past. They have only taken a new shape in light of an ever changing and adapting technological world. Cancer rates are increasing, the epidemic of obesity is gaining new ground, and people are becoming increasingly dissatisfied and restless on an emotional level as a result of feeling overworked or burdened with stress. It almost seems as if the modern life is working against us, not for us.

The question then remains. What can we do about it? How can we come to live fully and healthfully in amidst all this chaos of conflicting information? What really is the right way to eat, to exercise, to approach life?

The aim of this blog is to share what knowledge I have gained that works in practical application rather than just theory. As the saying goes, faith without works is dead, and thus knowledge without practical application is useless. I hope to share useful information that may benefit the reader and that has been tried and tested by myself and others I come into contact with that I may help those who seek it, find the right path that leads them to live fully and in good health. The answer of how can we come to live fully and healthfully is one which cannot be answered in one post. The answer is making a commitment to continually trying and testing new methods as well as old traditions to find what works for you personally. The right way to eat and to exercise is, ultimately, one which benefits you, and that which may not work for others. While there are certain universal truths - such as we all are aware that consuming rat poison is generally a bad idea for our health - discovering what foods are good and bad is a much more nuanced task than some might be comfortable with admitting. It is not necessary to abandon all that we have come to know about health in the modern world either. New breakthroughs in our understanding of how our bodies work continue to unfold, and while holding to traditions may work some of the time, trying new methods has always been the way with which we differentiate between what is good and useful, and what is bad and harmful. You cannot have improvement with progress, and so while modernity comes with its own issues, it is important not to throw the baby out with the bath water.

To live fully and healthfully is a lifelong commitment we make to ourselves and to those around us. It is not always easy and we may waver from this path along the way, but the important thing is we choose to come back, and strive to improve.

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